


  • I would like to talk about Transgender women in sports.

    I would like to talk about Transgender women in sports.
    Last night, as I listened to John Thune (Senate Majority Leader) talk on the Senate floor about statistics of transgender women in female sports and how it has become a real problem, it made me wonder how this issue became so important to so many. Thune was citing a report by the United Nations from last August of data collected by March of 2024; the report states that 600 females lost out on 890 medals in 400 competitions of 29 different sports to transgender women athletes. The report is “on violence against women and girls, which addresses the participation of men in women’s sports.”
    I would like to point out something in regard to transgender people. It must be extremely difficult to make the decision to come out to the world as a transgender person especially considering the pressure to conform to societal norms and to know that the decision may lead to you not being accepted by your peers, family and friends, co-workers, and everyone else in our society. It seems very odd that someone would go through all that to get a medal in a sporting event.
    Oh, and just a reminder, 6 women have won the Boston Marathon since 1972. Prior to which, women were banned from competing in races with men as per the AAU.
    Now, I would like to talk about something that is 100 times more pervasive, last year close to 70,000 women reported they were victims of rape in the U.S. and less than 3% of the perpetrators were convicted. As a survivor of sexual assault I would like to point out that not all victims of this crime report it. It affects “one in five” (20%) women in the United States and it has an extremely traumatic and lifelong impact on the victims. It is a massive problem in our society and it doesn’t get the attention it deserves. In fact, it seems to get swept under the rug.
    Thousands of rape kits go unprocessed every year. It became such a common occurrence that the federal government provided $1.3 billion to process the backlog. In an article by U.S. News and World Report citing a report from USAFacts (a nonprofit) about the backlog of unprocessed rape kits, “found that despite Justice Department funding totaling over $1.3 billion since 2011 for programs that contain a focus on clearing backlogs of untested kits, many states have struggled to do so, leaving cases unresolved. Across 30 states and Washington, D.C., USAFacts found at least 25,000 kits in need of testing in 2022.”
    This is a travesty. If our country truly believed in supporting and defending women they would be screaming about the violent crimes committed against women and doing more to put their offenders behind bars. Not exaggerating issues that are culture war topics introduced to cause an inflammatory reaction that can be used to promote support for a political agenda.

    posted in General Discussion
  • What if I choose both sides

    I want to clear up something that seems to be a common misunderstanding. The premise that you can support only one side of an argument, conflict, disagreement, etc., that loyalty is one sided. That if you dare to say something in support of the opposing side you completely negate your support of the other. Life is not this cut and dried. It’s not this black and white, even though many people seem to think so.
    I’ll give an example, my thoughts of the Israel Hamas conflict. I support the Israeli people’s right to defend themselves against terrorist attacks but I also support the Palestinian people’s right to have a safe place to live free of oppression. Here’s the crux, I don’t think that the leadership of either side of this conflict has been forthcoming or candid. I actually believe both are corrupt.
    I’m not anti-Semitic nor am I anti-Palestinian, I am anti-corruption; I am against leaders who use excessive force, might and/or misinformation to try to manipulate, mislead and control their citizens.
    I can feel empathy and compassion for both sides of the conflict. I can mourn for the lives lost. For the parents and grandparents who will never hold their children and grandchildren again, the husbands and wives that will never reunite with their spouses, the friends that will never get another conversation, the children who will never feel their parents hug again. This is not choosing a side. This is choosing humanity.

    posted in General Discussion
  • There is a problem in America and it’s not a new one.

    There is a problem in America and it’s not a new one.
    It has always been a thing that everyone everywhere has their own opinions, values, political ideologies, concerns, etc. We are people of diversity in more than just looks, size and attire, as it should be. If we all thought, looked and acted the same way the world would be a very boring place.
    We are successful because we are a diverse country of many different ideas, and talents, and abilities, and perspectives, and wisdoms, and strengths, and beliefs. Our differences are our strengths. When trying to solve a problem you want diverse perspectives and ideas because it creates a plethora of solutions that will contribute to success.
    When everyone thinks the same and has similar ideas problems may never get solved or get the best solution because you will be just circling the same ideas and solutions. Think of it this way, if you had only oatmeal to eat, would you want to eat it the same way every time you ate or would you want variations and new recipes to help make it a little bit more appetizing and appealing? Most people would prefer the variety. This isn’t the best analogy but it gets my point across.
    The problem is that there seems to be a growing intolerance toward all of our differences and it is becoming radical in the extreme. People are acting on these differences and it’s virulent and sometimes violent. This is scary. This is sad. This is un-American. We are a melting pot.
    In politics demonizing the opposition and their party has unfortunately become the norm. I think this practice is wrong and has become pervasive. It is spreading to non political areas. In our world today people are identifying themselves by their political ideology first and foremost which is influencing their behavior toward others and for some their religious identity; if the church they attend doesn’t align with their political views they no longer attend services at that church, they are actively seeking out a church that promotes political divisiveness. Some won’t even associate with people of a different political party. It is also affecting their moral compass. People are saying and doing things that would have been abhorrent to them 10 years ago. I base some of these observations on the book, The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory: American Evangelicals in an Age of Extremism by Tim Alberta. It was a real eye opener. This is affecting all political ideologies. Some people’s attitudes are more toxic than others.
    I think that the internet and specifically social media created an environment of toxic anonymity that some people seem to thrive in. They are bold in their criticisms and anger. They don’t seem to care if they offend or cause harm, which seems to be the goal. The political aspect seems to be out of control. There are so many people trolling, rage baiting and shitposting. It is very disheartening. I almost wish that those inventions hadn’t been created.
    When I was a kid, I remember being blissfully unaware of politics and political ideologies. I grew up in a small rural town where most people knew each other. I was a younger child of a large brood and most of the time I was overlooked. I liked it that way. I was a flighty kid with a huge imagination and I spent a lot of time alone. I was quiet and shy. These qualities allowed me to go about mostly unobserved (so I could do the observing). I remember my parents talking about politics but not really understanding what they were talking about. But I also remember that adults treated each other with kindness and respect. My parent taught me to be kind and respectful to all adults; I learned from their example. I raised my children to be the same way. My thoughts are that when we pull away from these simple but impactful behaviors we lose our sense of community and humility. I am hopeful that people can return to those values. That politics isn’t the first thing that defines us. That we can celebrate our differences and respect each other’s right to choose what is best for them. That we can return to kindness. That people will realize that being anonymous, cruel and unkind is more of a reflection on them and not on the person they are disparaging.

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  • Department of Homeland Security abruptly ends collective bargaining with more than 45,000 TSA workers.

    On Friday the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) ended collective bargaining with Transportation Security Administration (TSA) employees. DHS put out a statement, “This action will ensure Americans will have a more effective and modernized workforces across the nation’s transportation networks.” This action is illegal. The National Labor Relations act (1935) specifically protects the ability to bargain collectively.
    The DHS in coordination with the Federal Government seem to be trying to end unions and union protections.

    posted in Breaking News
  • Trump is shutting down questions by the press - obstructing information to the public

    When asked about clashes with two of his cabinet members, Sean Duffy (Secretary of Transportation) and Marco Rubio (Secretary of State), and Elon Musk over the way Musk is handling their agencies, the President said, "You're not allowed to ask that question. You're a troublemaker."
    This is bad for the public. If he gets to decide what questions the press can ask that means he's not being transparent. He should be answering questions about Elon Musk because of the concerns the american public has about Musk and the department of government efficiency (DOGE).

    posted in Breaking News
  • You are an Inspiration

    Dr. Mr. President,
    I just wanted to let you know that I am very impressed with your ability to stay calm in the face of adversity. You behaved with aplomb and honor when confronted by tyrannical bullies. You are an inspiration to leaders around the world. You inspire and awe many including myself.
    I am sure the people of your country are proud to call you their President. I only wish other world leaders had the courage and tenacity to fight for their country and convictions the way that you do. Your bravery distinguishes you from your peers. Ukraine is lucky to have you as their leader.
    Please continue to inspire,
    A Western Ally

    posted in Letters to a President
  • Why is the President Fundraising? Is he planning on running for office again in 2028?

    At Mar a Lago people are paying $1 million to $5 million to dine with the President. The funds raised are going into MAGA Inc. super PAC. The questionable part is that a termed out president, like Donald Trump is, doesn't usually raise campaign funds or if they do it is on a much smaller scale. Please check out the links below for more information.

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  • RE: "Always invert" - is 60 minutes lying to us?

    Thanks for the insight. I always appreciate new information and others perspectives.

    posted in General Discussion
  • Your relationship with the truth

    Dear Mr. President,
    I have been wondering about something you seem to have a problem with for as long as I've know of you, and I decided it was time to broach the subject. Why do you seem to have such a bad relationship with the truth?
    I am aware that most people have lied at some point in their lives. The issue I can’t understand with regard to you and the truth is you seem to be unaware that almost everything you say has some kind of fallacy attached to it. I don’t know if you actually believe that you can “only tell the truth” but you seem to say things like that a lot while proceeding to tell a falsehood. Using the phrase, I’ve got to be honest with you, does not denote that what follows is the truth. Saying things in a boastful manner about yourself with no base in reality is another form of deception; Are you really the father of IVF? I highly doubt it.
    I will say, that you do seem to have an uncanny ability to self promote but when you say and do things that are wrong or misleading you lose credibility with a lot of honest people. Just saying something does not make it true or a fact.
    Now, misleading and lying to people is not a good thing but when you are a world leader in a position of power and influence, it is a very bad thing (like bad in a biblical way, such as the days of Noah bad). Using inflammatory and divisive speech when talking to the very people you claim to be trying to unite is counterintuitive. We should all remember that words are powerful. They have the ability to enlighten and the power to harm. They can bring people together or they can divide whole nations. Words matter, the truth matters, lies have consequences.
    Hopefully you’ll give it some thought,
    A Concerned Citizen

    posted in Letters to a President
  • There seems to be a lot of misunderstandings about how tariffs and trade deficits work

    So, to start, lets talk about imported goods. Imports are goods (food, materials, products, etc.) people want to purchase. They are ordered by individuals, businesses, corporations, etc. When an import enters a country for delivery the Tariff or import tax is paid by the country that purchased the goods. That cost is then passed on to the consumer who eventually buys the goods.

    Sidebar: If you have ever seen duty free goods when traveling that means it is a tax free or tariff free imported good. Duty is an import and/or export tax.

    A trade deficit happens when you import more goods than you export. When two countries both have exports to each other but one country's imports are higher (in cost) than the other that is a trade deficit; China imports less goods from the United States than the U.S. imports from China. A trade surplus is when your exports exceed your imports; you're selling more than you're buying.

    Trade deficits are more common than trade surpluses, about 60 percent of countries carry a trade deficit. Trade deficits exist because countries buy goods from other countries (at the behest of their citizens) because of demand for those goods. You can never truly have equal trade because trade is about getting products that your country doesn't produce, provide via resources or labor cost, or grow or mine because of global location (eg. fruits that only grow in certain areas).

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